November 1, 2013

YouTube Music

Hello fellow Meta-Humans,

Let me start off by saying I have been swamped with work over the past week, so I will go ahead an apologize that this week's entry won't be a long diatribe of moral philosophy intermingled with pop culture nonsense ramblings. I do however want to take a moment to pause and recognize how awesome YouTube is. (I know all the cat videos...)

Did you know that YouTube was started in 2005. That doesn't seem that long ago and yet I can't picture a time anymore when I didn't have the video sharing service distracting me from my work and family. As a sidenote it was created because one of its founders, Jawed Karim couldn't find an Internet video clip of Janet Jackson's infamous Super Bowl nipple exposure. (So I guess, the Jackson family did one thing right.)

However from its humble origins of being a place for soft-core porn and cute animal videos, YouTube has also inspired a new generation of people to get creative and explore their visual, artistic, and musical talents. Now, because of the site we have a whole new slew of people known as "YouTube celebrities," (a crop of people I tend to find well more disserving of the title than most regular celebrities.) Yet, since YouTube has been announcing its upcoming YouTube Music Awards, I though I would share with you come of my favorite YouTube musicians.

So check out the links below and enjoy:


Lindsey Stirling


Nick Pitera

Cosplay Piano (from Stan Lee's World of Heroes)

There are many wonderful musicians on YouTube, both big and small. So let's all be thankful that we live in a age with so much talent, but more importantly where we have an easily accessible outlet for all this talent to shine. YouTube has come a long way since its humble beginnings, (eve if it still kind of is about soft-core porn and cat videos.)

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