April 24, 2012

The Art of Science

I know I promised you my predictions for the future this week, but I have really been tied up with this major writing project I have been working on. I will let everyone in on it when I am done and have it published to the web, but for now (since I have been on such a science kick lately) I thought I would share with a great YouTube artist, MelodySheep aka John D. Boswell.

If you have never heard of MelodySheep I suggest checking him out. He does some different remixes, including some funny little remixes for some small pop culture clips, but where he really shines is in his series: Symphony of Science. Basically, he remixes the words and images of famous scientists including, Stephen Hawkins, Carl Sagan, Bill Nye, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Michu Kaku and many more. They range from subject areas of Evolution to Space Exploration to Molecules to Dinosaurs. Not only are the movies informative but they are beautiful and it reminds us all how amazing science is and how amazing it is to be a human being living in an age of scientific exploration and knowledge. Some of the better ones almost feel religious in nature and why not? After all, why does science and spiritual beliefs have to be separate? Why can't God exist in the nucleus of an atom or at the center of a black hole.

I have included some of my favorite. Enjoy them and check out more here.

As always when I feature artists I ask that you support them and enjoy their work, and MelodySheep is no exception. His work is not only entertaining, but informative. Science is one of the greatest endeavours humanity has ever embarked on, it might as well have a good soundtrack.

All pictures used are meant only to promote the work of MelodySheep. I do not own or claim ownership of any images used in this blog entry.

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