January 23, 2013


Kiwi Rocket
MaryDoodles is the moniker of the YouTube artist, Mary whose time-elapsed videos are not only totally awesome but awe inspiring. Maybe this has more to do with my own inability to draw anything other than crude and caveman like stick figures, but I find that I am fascinated with watching her videos. As a bonus her side job seems to be creating costumes and props for Epic Rap Battles of History, one of my favorite YouTube channels to date.

Mary's use of pencil, ink, and water color are simply amazing, and in fast motion it looks as if colors and images simply glide onto the page, as if they had been there all along and all she is really doing is revealing the true and hidden face of the page beneath her brush. On a whole her videos are short, usually no longer than three minutes on average, but even that small period become the breath of a moment as you watch the artist create a unique and fantastic image. Each stroke brings the promise of something new and exciting and ever so beautiful.

I Love You, I Miss You

See How it was Made

Little Red Wolf Hunter

How it was Made

If you are interested in checking out MaryDoodles, check her out on:




January 9, 2013

The Running Dead

There is one shameful secret that you must know about me before we begin, I am terrified of zombies... It's true... Yet, with all my claim to nerdiness they are not a subject matter I can easily ignore. Let's face it, zombies are so "in" right now that even the CDC is taking notice of them, but they scare me. So, I have only ever been a reluctant undead-enthusiast. I watch movies like Dawn of the Dead, shows like Walking Dead, and play games like Resident Evil only half-heartedly. Even movies like Shaun of the Dead or Zombieland still strike a quivering nerve that I don't quite want to face, (in the manliest way possible, of course.)

This makes little sense, because I am not terrified of vampires or werewolves. Logically, in a one to one battle I would probably get devoured by a werewolf or sparkled to death by a vampire, but I could reasonably defeat a single member of the shambling undead. So what is it about the undead? It's the mindlessness. There is something about a mindless, unceasing mass of opponents that just freaks me out. I have very similar feelings about Reavers, (though I would make the argument they are not completely mindless, because they are shown to be able to pilot starships and launch coordinated attacks.) At least against a vampire I can reason with him, maybe even anticipate his strategy and out-think him, but not with a zombie. There is no reasoning with a zombie.

Maybe it has something to do with my own intelligence. I value my ability to think, reason, strategize, and even talk my way out of any situation I might find myself in, (though admittedly my Charisma score is only like an 11.) Going up against an opponent that not only resists my attempts at reasoning and rational thought, but threatens to take away my most valued asset is simply too much for me. Still, I am slowly trying to desensitize myself to this fear, because not only is the zombie apocalypse coming, but I think it may already be here... I mean look at Congress.

If you want to talk about mindless, shambling, undead bags of flesh you need look no further than the government of the United States. (Whoa, this post is a political rant? That was a weird turnaround...) In their most recent move, Congress, in all its infant wisdom, has decided to postpone the critical discussion necessary to fixing the debt crisis in America until March, because (I guess) the problem you can't fix today, might as well be the problem you can't fix tomorrow, either. How is it that the most August body in the nation can't even sit down, like rational human beings, to solve a financial problem that is so critical to the continued success of the existence of the United States, (and if you are wondering why I capitalized "august," it is because come March, I am sure the only decision Congress will reach will be to postpone the decision till the last month of the summer.) I am really trying to not be political, but there comes a point where you just get fed up and all you want to do is rant to the six people who actually read your blog.

The 112th Congress, (the congress that just ended its session January 2, 2013,) only passed 219 pieces of legislation, and most that was to name public buildings. This may seem like a lot, but this is the lowest in American history.... Seriously, the next lowest year was during the Truman years and there they still managed to pass over 300 pieces of legislation. Heck even the Congress of the 1940's managed to pass on average 600 pieces of legislation a year, (and we were in a freaking WORLD WAR!) Our most current Congress, (which changed very little after the last election cycle) couldn't even pass a bill to approve aid to victims who lost their homes in Hurricane Sandy... You got to be kidding me? What excuse does this Congress have? NONE. They are polarized, indecisive, and more inept than a coked-up Archie trying to choose between Betty and Veronica, (and I am so irrationally mad that I just made an Archie's Comics reference... This what they are doing to me!!)

Perhaps for solace, I am rereading World War Z, by Max Brooks, also in anticipation for the coming movie, (because nothing screams Zombie Apocalypse like Brad Pitt, these days.) In it, Brooks gives an oral history of the Zombie War that nearly destroys humanity, and though I am not a zombie enthusiast I do enjoy this book for its presentation and writing style. However, this is also more than just a horror novel. The most ingenious part of the book is that Brooks uses the Zombie War to expose serious flaws in our global and national systems that would show how the zombie threat (or really an similar threat, such as a pandemic,) would easily infiltrate the cracks in our stagnant, politically polarized, and over-confident way of life. It has sharp criticism for America and our need for our bureaucratic moronicness, our politicians that are too busy bowing down to lunatic public opinion,, our comercialism, and our self-satisfying isolationism. (I don't mean isolationism like how we were before World War II, but the kind of isolationism you get from putting yourself on a pedestal above the rest of the world.) There are many themes which are incredibly and culturally relevant to America and the rest of world today. I highly recommend it.

Shamble Forward
I can only hope 2013 will be a better year for Congress and for America, though I doubt it. Both political parties have become too radical in their beliefs and entrenched in their ways, thus forcing me to retreat into a fantasy about the thing that scares me the most. So really... maybe I lied in my first paragraph, because in order to get away from the trouble of this wolrd I am escaping inot a world ravaged by the undead. Maybe there are things out there that terrify me more than zombies. You see, much Like Orson Welles used his broadcast of War of the Worlds to expose the inherent problems of America in the 1930's, Brooks does a very convincing job to show us a reflection of America that is completely ill-prepared to face and adapt to many of the emerging problems of the near future, and just maybe, that image we see staring back is the scariest thing of all.

January 2, 2013

Thirteen Resolutions for 2013

Side Resolution: Enjoy times with close friends.
Since the world did not end in 2012 that means I have to keep getting up everyday and figure out what the heck I am going to do with myself, (and after I spent all my savings on a fallout shelter that looked like the TARDIS... it was not bigger on the inside.) So with the New Year upon us, I have decided to buckle down and set some goals for myself...


13. Be a Better Blogger
Let's be honest, my blogging tends to be haphazard at best, chaotic at worst. There are some weeks where it is more likely for Mario to find the Princess in the castle he is actually looking for her in, than for me to write a blog entry. Also, (if you are a regular reader of my blog,) you might have noticed how often I actually edit my own posts... not often... I can offer no excuse and only the explanation that my free time can sometimes be very limited, but in 2013 I promise to do better. I say this not only for my behalf, but because I want all you lovely people to keep coming back to read my inane Internet ramblings.

12. Get Back to Exercising
I have one thing in common with King Hippo, (a lot of classic Nintendo references in this post), we have both grown a bit larger than you might expect. However, at least  King Hippo works out, which cannot be said about me, lately. I used to work out, but with the holidays and the craziness of the past month and a half it has been all intake and no propulsion. I need to get back to running and exercising... if not for my weight, than in anticipation for the big fight with Nick Bruiser.

11. Reach 1,000 Twitter Followers
This resolution is really only here as a shameless plug. If you like what you read on this weekly blog, than why not enjoy my own special brand of nerd witticism everyday by following me on Twitter @AdamJBrunner. Or on Facebook at Meta-Humanity.

10. Make More Top Ten Lists
Whenever I write top ten list for my blog, it usually tends to be a hit, often keeping a hard fought space in the Favorite Posts section on the left-hand side of the page. In 2013, I promise to jump start my creative juices to make not only more top ten lists, but even more enjoyable posts for you fine fine people... I don't have a video game reference for this one...

Side Resolution: Be yourself... or be Batman.
9. Read the Entire Song of Ice and Fire Series
I have currently finished the first two books of George R. R. martin's epic fantasy series, and am ready to move onto my third (like Kirby after devouring the souls of two children... ehh... I'm going to give up on the video game reference... sorry folk.) I love the series more than I can put into words, but I find myself in a conundrum, because I also love the HBO series. I am in the unenviable position of having to decide whether I want to read the next book before I see the next season, or vice versa. Either way, my reading will eventually outpace the show (as the show will eventually outpace George R. R. Martin, himself.) I just have to remember that there is value in both interpretations of the story and each should be enjoyed for what it is, not what it is not.

8. Finish My Novel
My first novel was a flop, though I may return to it someday and see if there isn't something I can't salvage, (double negative,) but my second novel is beyond exciting (for me.) I have never churned out something so fast that I have enjoyed so much. Usually there is a good deal of drudgery in all my writing projects, but so far it has been minimal in this one. With any luck I will have it finished before summer and edited before Fall. Fingers crossed, this is a big resolution.

7. Find an Awesome Cosplay Costume
Aside from witty t-shirts I have never really partaken in cosplay, but I definitely want to. My friends and I have a whole ten months before the 2013 New York Comic Con, (October 10-13,) and with any luck we can put that time to good use coming up with killer costumes, which will not only get us noticed but will get us featured on random people's Facebook pages.

6. Play More Video Games
This may seem like an out of place resolution, but really all I am trying to say is that I deserve more me time. Lately, whenever I get an hour to myself I tend to think I should spend it working on writing or creating or blogging, and though those are all worthwhile goals, I really need more time for myself. There are so many video game titles out that I want to play. I have barely cracked the surface of them. For Christmas I received Assassins' Creed II and Batman: Arkham City, and gosh-darnit, I intend to play them all the way through (including all the Easter Egg content) and not feel guilty about wasting the hours away.

5. Expand my Nerd Circle
Aside from my small group of nerd friends, I really don't have a lot of nerdiness in my life. I actually have a lot of non-nerd friends (normies,) and other adult-like responsibilities that are both boring and... well boring. I need more nerd friends in my life. So this year I am going to endeavor to start finding geeky activity groups and maybe even expand my circle as well as my interests. At the very least I want to find at least one role playing group in my area that meets semi-regularly.

Side Resolution: Save at least one princess this year.
4. Have an Adventure
Two years ago I quite my job, cashed out my savings, and headed off to Australia. (If you would like to read about those adventures please click on this website.) I lived Down Under for a little less than a year and in my time there, life was one big adventure. I traveled, I met new people, I forced myself into situations I would not normally have been comfortable in, etc. Since my return, life has grown stagnant again, I need an adventure. Now I'm not talking about running away for another year (I don't have near enough money for that,) but I am talking about finding that sense of adventure in my own life. There are plenty of new places to explore in my own backyard. Adventure is blowing the Horn of Helm Hammerhand, and I plan on answering.

3. Gain Superpowers
Why is that whenever anyone in the comics is bit by an insect or doused in radioactive waste they gain superpowers, and all I ever get is a bad rash? If there is such a thing as superpowers out there, in 2013, I am resolved to find them and use them for the good of all mankind... or for picking up chicks. I still haven't decided.

2. Beat All Eight Robot Masters
I have always enjoyed the game of Mega Man, but for the life of me I can never seem to find the skill, patience, or time to beat all 8 robot masters. So to go along with my 6th resolution this, I also promise to beat all the Robot Masters and finally lay my eyes on the end screen to at least one Mega Man game. (Shove it in your pie-hole, Pirate Man... Okay, that was the last Nintendo reference...)

1. Stop Taking Myself Too Seriously
As a person who writes a nerd blog, you might wonder how I could ever take myself too seriously, but it is true, I do. So without revealing too much of my personal angst, let's just say that I am my own worst critic. In 2013, I want to change that. I want to start seeing the lighter side of life and to stop always getting in my own way or disappointing myself. I want to take life as it comes and have fun without necessarily worrying about what the future holds. Because, really when you look at the state of the world, I think that this a resolution we could all learn to embrace a bit more. Maybe if Congress and others learned how to step back and laugh at their own ridiculousness, the world would not be in a much better state of affairs... At the very least thy would come up with funnier names than Fiscal Cliff, (like, Edge of Eternal Damnation and Ruin.)